


So up we went until we got here


A most impressive building. Structure 33, as it is called



You just know there's a wild story here. I see a temple's steps and a sacrifice rolling down, etc.


There is more, but by now we realized that we were not on the acropolis level and clawed our way down the back of the hill building 33 was sitting on, because down there we saw a path that was leading up into dense jungle and we figured, I had a small map, that it would get us to the acropolis level, from where we could get back to the entrance


The path was slippery and narrow and took us past the monkeys, who were sleeping, except for a guard


At last, we made it to the acropolis (the ceremonial city's three highest structures)





Then it was going down and down, fast, eye on the clock


Found more ruins on the way, but quickly pushed on


Rushed past another tour group that started with the acropolis, but probably missed other things


By the time we had gotten to the Acropolis, we were 300 m above the entrance, and probably another 100 m from the boat. Doesn't sound like much, but it meant rushing back down steep and slippery paths in dense jungle, and finally down a weird and slanted concrete set of steps to get to the small bay where the boats were waiting for us. We ended up 5 minutes late, and the idiot giude actually pointed at his watch. He was really serious about this. Comical, but I knew we had to be at a restaurant for lunch, and that was the issue. Not so much the time, because later, at Bonampak, he spent 10 minutes chatting with people, while the rest of us were sitting in the bus, waiting.


And there they were all patiently waiting for us, for a whole five minutes (2nd boat from the left)
Felt like asking our idiot guilde to go for a swim, when I saw this creature on the way back
And Yaxchilan safely behind us, we were departing to go to lunch and then continue on to Bonampak

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